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The instructions for authors of "Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine"
Journal Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine publishes original papers, reviews and short communications covering the issues of low temperature biology and medicine, as well as related fields of science.
The manuscript should be submitted in Ukrainian, Russian or English in electronic form via e-mail to cryo@online.kharkov.ua or via on-line submission. Manuscripts should conform to the following requirements.
  • The text should be printed in A4 pages. MS Word is preferrable, use Times New Roman 14 pt and 1.5 spacing. Manuscript should be not more than 12 pages for original research paper, 15 pages for review and 5 pages for short communications.
  • The paper should contain the summary (900 symbols or less) describing the aim, main methods and conclusions of the research. Follow the summary by up to 10 keywords.
  • The original paper could be based on the experimental or theoretical data, as well as on the development of methodical approach. Recommended division of the paper is as follows: introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion (together or separately), conclusion. It is recommended to introduce the original paper with general description of the problem as well as its relationship to important scientific and practical issues, to make short analysis of recent research and publications, which initially reported the issue, to state unsolved aspects of the issue which is the object of the presented study, as well as the proceeding from these objectives (aim) of the investigation. The materials and methods should be sufficiently detailized to allow the work to be reproduced. Results and discussion could be present separately or together depending on logical design of the paper. In any case the results should be described clearly and without doubling of the same data in figures and in tables. Describe in the text only the found regularities without stating all the numeral data shown in the figures or tables. The discussion to be accompanied by interpretation and substantiation of the found results. Finally the paper should contain the conclusion on the performed research and the prospects of further investigations.
  • Short communication is a reduced version of original paper and serves for providing the cutting-edge information about obtained results without an expanded discussion. Short communication does not contain the subheadings, not more than 3 figures and/or tables, and maximally 10 references.
  • The review papers to be prepared after preliminary arrangement with the Editorial Board. It is supposed that the review paper would substantially cover the state of art in a appropriate relevant scientific issue in the frames of the journal topic.
  • When preparing for submission, state UDC index at the beginning of the manuscript, then give a paper title, names of the authors, indicate the institutions (departments)where the authors performed the research.
  • The text of the manuscript should contain the definition of abbreviations at their first usage, references should be numbered and given in square brackets right after citation. Mathematical and chemical symbols, equations and formulas are to be placed in the manuscript using the text processing sofware. The tables are to be placed in separate pages after the main text and references. Give the notes to the table directly under it. Place the illustrations on separate sheets after the text, and enclose their electronic copies as separate files. The illustrations are to be done in black and white (grayscale); photos, diagrams to be presented as an image in eps, jpeg or tiff formats, the images should be minimum 8 cm in width and 300 dpi resolution at least. Charts and graphs prepared with MS Excel application to be submitted as the original file (xls), in case of other applications, these should be presented as an image. Formulas, tables and figures are to be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, respectively: (1); Table 1, Fig. 1; parts of composite figures to be denoted by capital letters (A, B, C, etc.). The illustrations should be prepared considering bilingual journal format, thus it is recommended not to oversize the labels and captions within the figures, rather to place all the large annotations in the figure description. Do not use pseudo-3D plots where not appropriate. Use white backgrounds for plots and no gradient filling for the columns, line thickness should be at least one point.
  • Place the references after the main text in alphabetical order. Put the reference number in square brackets immediately after the citation. The unpublished data should be only acknowledged in the text, do not put them into the references. The reference description should contain the following information: name of the author in the original transcription, article title, journal or book; for periodicals state the year of publication, volume number, number of issue, page numbers; for monographs state the place of publication, publisher, year of publication, total number of pages.
  • Enclose the paper with information about the corresponding author: surname, first name, institution, position and title, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address.
  • In case the manuscript would not conform to these requirements it will be sent back for revision.
  • Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed.
  • Please read our Publishing Ethics.

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Address of Editorial Office:
23, Pereyaslavskaya str., Kharkiv, Ukraine 61015
Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Tel: +380 57 373 3039;     Fax: +380 57 373 3084
E-mail: cryo.ua@gmail.com